Register your Interest!
When ALWS began in 1950, it was so generous Australians could walk alongside people in need… to bring care and love to those overlooked and forgotten by the world. In 2025, we will celebrate our 75th Anniversary by supporting 75,000 children with the essentials for a happy, healthy life – food, school and safety.
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See how you change lives!
For just $26, you can help a refugee child go to school by providing teachers + textbooks + tables.

Teach the Teacher
Through Walk My Way, you can help train a teacher like Au Man Gaw Ni at a camp in Sittwe, Myanmar: “It is my dream job to be a teacher. We have 148 children here and four teachers. With education, children can build a better life, so they can be a success.’

12,500km of Kindness
Your kindness through Walk My Way and ALWS travels 12,500km from Australia to Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya, where you help to educate 60,000 children, including children with disabilities.

Hope for the future
Helen shares the reason she decided to Walk My Way: “Our own children had a great education offered to them with so many opportunities. I knew that if we could do the same for the refugee children it would give them hope for their futures.’

Walking together with thanks to our Platinum Event Partner